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Manufacturer & Exporters of Surgical, Dental & manicure Instruments http://www.desurgical.com

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Surgical instruments - Classifications

There are several classes of surgical instruments:
  • Graspers, especially tweezers and forceps
  • Clamps and occluders for blood vessels and other organs
  • Retractors, used to spread open skin, ribs and other tissue
  • Distractors, positioners and stereotactic devices
  • Mechanical cutters (scalpels, lancets, drill bits, rasps, trocars, etc.)
  • Dilators and speculae, for access to narrow passages or incisions
  • Suction tips and tubes, for removal of bodily fluids
  • Irrigation and injection needles, tips and tubes, for introducing fluid
  • Powered devices, such as drills, dermatomes
  • Scopes and probes, including fiber optic endoscopes and tactile probes
  • Carriers and appliers for optical, electronic and mechanical devices
  • Ultrasound tissue disruptors, cryotomes and cutting laser guides
  • Measurement devices, such as rulers and calipers

    An important relative distinction, regarding surgical instruments, is the amount of bodily disruption or tissue trauma that their use might cause the patient. Terms relating to this issue are 'atraumatic' and minimally invasive. Minimally invasive systems are an important recent development in surgery. In the future, they devices will include many microscopic autonomous and directed devices.
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